people training in VR
Our products are certified Class IIa medical devices according to the Medical Device Regulation (Directive 2017/745), which comes into force in 2021 and is valid throughout Europe. Based on this certification, our products carry the CE mark (CE 0123). We as the living brain GmbH apply a quality management system that complies with the DIN EN ISO 13485 standard developed specifically for medical device companies. Our system covers all areas of the company related to the development, manufacture, distribution and service of our medical products. This enables us not only to ensure that our products comply with legal requirements, but also to work continuously on improving our performance.


Cognitive Diseases. Accidents. Surgeries.
Mere seconds can change life as you know it and everything is different. Familiar activities that were previously completely self-evident are now difficult or impossible.

Everyday cognitive training is now essential!

That’s why we are developing a new form of therapy that can be used anytime and anywhere. An effective therapy that focuses on the tasks of daily living.
To achieve this we combine psychological insights, therapeutic knowledge and virtual reality.
We know that rehabilitation must be available every step of the way and help patients to navigate their daily lives again!
No matter if seated or standing, with just one hand, or still in a hospital bed.



In order to make our product as effective as possible it was developed together with those treating and affected by the disease. Further development also takes place in close cooperation. We are guided by current research findings and conduct our own studies.


We develop certified medical devices. Our product teora® mind is a certified Class IIa medical devices according to the Medical Device Regulation (Directive 2017/745), which comes into force in 2021 and is valid throughout Europe. As a result, we are committed to the highest quality standards.


It is our mission to change rehabilitation for good. We believe that every person is entitled to promising therapy, at the place and time it is needed. For us, people are at the center of everything we do. They are personal stories that encourage us on our way. One story that inspired us is Frank’s. Stories like this are why we built our company:
„Frank, a 49-year-old family man and husband, suffered cardiac arrest during a routine procedure. Since then, he has suffered from anterograde amnesia. This means that it is no longer possible for him to remember new things. Even important emotional experiences are quickly forgotten. His brain tries again and again to make sense of his environment….
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This requires a lot of energy and drains the attention span. Frank can’t take on anything anymore. He cannot plan anything for the future. An ever-widening gap in his identity emerges. Between who he used to be and who he is now. Although new things are permanently present in everyday life, they no longer become part of his personality. For Frank, time’s stopped before his surgery. Since he doesn’t feel sick, it’s especially hard to motivate him. Doing brain performance training doesn’t fit with his self-image. Frank would need individual neuropsychological therapy, but outpatient care is poor. Neuropsychologists are few and far between. Some health insurers don’t even know that this specialty exists. Nor do they know what can be accomplished here. Frank’s training potential is thus not being used, and if he does not train, his cognitive performance will continue to decline. In addition, he rarely has a sense of achievement. Although he cannot remember failures, it can be observed that he is no longer the cheerful person he used to be. He is becoming more and more listless. The family suffers greatly as a result.


Frank’s experience with teora® mind


Then we tried our therapy teora® mind with him. Frank had never tried out VR goggles before. He usually is sceptical towards computer-assisted training. We didn’t think he would be able to handle the controls. We thought he would be overwhelmed with the new environment and take the goggles off right away. But the opposite came true: Frank had enormous fun exploring the virtual world. He coped well and was very focused – “like being in a tunnel“. He is otherwise extremely distractible. The application required attention and memory skills on the one hand and action planning on the other. We have rarely seen him this motivated since the illness. He was so happy to feel a sense of achievement, proud to have completed the level. He would have loved to keep playing.“

Helene Schwarz – the treating neuropsychologist



Merck KgaA Logo
EIT Health
Asklepios Neurologische Klinik Falkenstein
Liefe Science Accelerator
Heidelberg Startup Partners
Technologiepark Heidelberg
Pre-Seed BW
Exist Gründer-Stipendium
Kultur- und Kreativpiloten
Horizon 2020 Europäische Union
Gründer-Institut Heidelberg