Shortage of specialists, long waiting times for therapy places, outdated forms of therapy and one-size-fits-all solutions are often still the order of the day in Germany when it comes to the treatment of neurological diseases. In particular, the therapy of cognitive problems lags significantly behind the state of the art. A comprehensive functional therapy for affected persons is de facto not given. Julian Specht, co-founder and CSO of living brain, was confronted with this situation himself due to his epilepsy. When he discusses this with his fellow student Barbara Stegmann, the idea for living brain is born.
Read more about Julian’s personal story here.

The idea
The idea for living brain was born back in 2017.
Barbara and Julian develop prototypes, take part in the Merck Accelerator and receive an EXIST start-up grant

Shortly after living brain GmbH was founded in 2019, the previously freelance employee Till Ikemann (CTO) became a shareholder.

Pre-seed financing
In 2020, living brain will receive €400,000 in pre-seed funding.
MDD certification
living brain is certified as a medical device manufacturer in accordance with the MDD.

Companisto financing round
living brain closes a seven-figure financing round via the investment platform for start-ups and growth companies Companisto.

Finished product
The first product, the VR therapy software teora mind, is ready for the market and is being used in the first rehabilitation clinics.

MDR certification
In 2021, living brain will be certified in accordance with the new Medical Device Regulation (MDR).
This makes living brain the first certified provider of VR therapy used to treat cognitive deficits in Europe.

User Experience Study
A user experience study investigating how stroke patients react to VR therapy with teora® mind is published.
The study results show that it is well received by both older adults in general and stroke patients in particular.

Clinical Study
A clinical study (RCT) accompanied by living brain compares the effectiveness of teora® mind with that of the usual standard treatment.
The VR group achieved significant improvements in the area of executive functions, particularly in the areas of planning and problem solving. No improvements were observed in the control group with standard therapy.

teora platform
The teora® platform web application will be launched in early 2024.
teora® platform enables patients to undergo VR therapy with teora® mind digitally and from any location.
This allows patients to continue their therapy at home.

Reimbursement by the first health insurance company
From February 1, 2024, treatment with teora® mind can be reimbursed by the Inter Insurance Group both in the inpatient area in the clinic or in the practice as well as the home therapy accompanied by teora® platform for fully insured persons.