virtual reality rehab based on everyday life


Menschen bei der Rehabilitation mit Virtueller Realität

Our medical devices are developed in accordance with the applicable medical device regulation and carry the CE mark based on EU guidelines 2017/745 (MDR). Living brain GmbH has introduced and applies a certified quality management system (DIN EN ISO 13485).

Puzzle mit Teilen der Rehabilitation

We support patients fighting their way back into life.

Neurological diseases. Accidents. Surgeries.
Mere seconds can change life as we know it and nothing is the same. Daily tasks that were completely banal before are now often challenging.

Rehabilitation is now the most important.

That is why we develop a new therapy which is not only mobile but based on activities of daily living.
Therefore we unite psychological learning strategies, therapeutic science and virtual reality.
We understood that rehabilitation has to be location-independent and realistic to support patients in their daily life!
Sitting, standing, one-handed or lying in bed.



Our product is developed with practitioners, patients and their families. They bring in their experience for future development. Our product is based on latest scientific research.


We are a certified manufacturer of medical devices. teora® mind is a medical device class IIa (MDR). Safety and quality are our first priorities.


It’s our mission to change rehabilitation of neurological diseases sustainably and lasting. We believe that everyone should have access to a science based and functional rehabilitation. On our journey we had the pleasure to meet Frank. His story reveals why we do what we do.

“Frank, 49: the father of two, husband, suffered a cardiac arrest during a routine surgery. Ever since he is seriously affected by an anterograde amnesia, meaning he is not able to remember new information; including new emotional experiences. Every few minutes his brain tries to make sense of his surroundings or the context…

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This demands a lot of energy and claims his attention. He can’t take on something or plan his future. An ever widening gap between his identity, who he was then and who he is now, is emerging - the new is reality everyday indeed, but does not become part of his personality anymore. It’s as if time would have stopped a year ago. He does not feel that, so it’s particularly difficult motivating him to train his brain, it’s just not fitting with his self-perception. He needs individual neuropsychological therapy, but outpatient care is poor, neuropsychologists are scarce - some insurance companies don’t even know this special field exists and the impact it can enfold. Frank’s potential for improvement is not yet exhausted, but if he doesn’t conduct training his cognitive capacities will decline. He might not remember his failures, but we note that he’s not the person full of life he once was. He loses his drive. His family suffers a lot from that.


Franks experiences with teora® mind


We gave teora® mind a try with him. He never used something like that before and normally expresses reservations about computer training. We did not expect him to be able to handle the controls, thought he would be overwhelmed with the new environment and put the glasses right down. Frank had so much fun to explore the virtual world. Contrary to every expectation he did very well, was very focused, “in the zone”, even though he is distracted very fast usually. The treatment demanded attention, memory and action planning. Since the onset of his disorder we rarely saw him this motivated. He was happy about the feelings of success, proud of having mastered a level and would have loved to play on.”

Helene Schwarz - neuropsychologist



Merck KgaA Logo
EIT Health
Asklepios Neurologische Klinik Falkenstein
Liefe Science Accelerator
Heidelberg Startup Partners
Technologiepark Heidelberg
Pre-Seed BW
Exist Gründer-Stipendium
Kultur- und Kreativpiloten
Horizon 2020 Europäische Union
Gründer-Institut Heidelberg