Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Here you can find answers to all the questions that we have been asked most often.

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Technical questions

What is Virtual Reality?

"Virtual Reality" (VR) in German also called "Virtuelle Realität" (VR), is a computer-generated reality that can be experienced with images and usually also with sound. In virtual reality, worlds can thus be artificially built with the computer. In many cases, it is possible to interact with this virtual world. There are different ways to experience virtual worlds, for example via multiple screens or via VR glasses Areas of application can be e.g. education, entertainment or even therapy.

What are VR goggles?

VR glasses - also known as a virtual reality headset - are opaque glasses with two integrated screens instead of the normal lenses. A virtual reality can be displayed on these screens. Thus, when using it, you get the impression of actually being in this other world.
Thanks to the built-in sensors, the VR glasses also detect head movements so that you can look around in this virtual world and, in most cases, also interact with it.

Why does it make sense to use virtual reality for rehabilitation?

Virtual reality can be used advantageously for rehabilitation in four ways. VR makes it possible to train potentially dangerous situations without actual danger. In addition, numerous activities that are difficult to repeat in everyday life can easily be performed several times in succession in virtual reality.
Furthermore, virtual reality can be used regardless of location through the use of mobile technical devices A large number of scientific publications suggest the use of VR for therapy and treatment of a wide variety of diseases. To learn more about this scientific basis, feel free to continue reading here.

Is Virtual Reality harmful to health?

No, VR is generally not harmful to health.
Before use, please read the Safety instructions and warnings of the manufacturer . However, some people are advised against using it due to pre-existing health conditions.

When should I not use Virtual Reality?

The use of VR goggles and controllers is potentially associated with health and safety risks.
You can find detailed information in the health and safety warnings of the VR glasses which we will of course provide you with when you order our product. The complete health and safety warnings can be found here.

In the following you will find a short summary of the risks you should consider before using the VR goggles:

Before using the headset

You should not use VR goggles if

  • you are tired
  • you need sleep
  • you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • you are hungover
  • you have digestive issues
  • you suffer from emotional stress or panic attacks
  • you have the flu
  • you have a headache, migraines or earaches

These conditions could increase the risk of potential side effects.


In some persons (ca 1 of4000) certain light effects can cause intense vertigo, seizues, eye- and musclejerks or fainting. These effects can occur while watching TV, playing video games or using VR -- even if you do not have a history of seizures or epilepsy.

Health Problems

Discontinue use of the headset immediately if any of the following symptoms occur: seizures; fainting; visual impairments; eye or muscle twitching; involuntary movements; altered, blurred, double vision or other visual abnormalities; Dizziness; disorientation; balance disorders; disturbance of hand-eye coordination; excessive sweating; increased salivation; Nausea; drowsiness; discomfort or pain in your head or eyes; Sleepiness; Exhaustion; or any symptoms similar to motion sickness.

As with the symptoms that can occur when people disembark a ship, symptoms that arise from exposure to virtual reality can persist and become even more severe hours after use. These post-use symptoms can include all of the aforementioned symptoms, as well as excessive drowsiness and a decreased ability to multitask. These symptoms could put you at an increased risk of injury when engaging in normal, real-world activities.

Recurrent stress injuries

Use of the device may cause pain in muscles, joints, neck, hand(s) or skin. Discontinue use of the headset or its components and rest for a few hours before using again if you experience fatigue or pain, or if you experience symptoms such as tingling, numbness, burning or stiffness. If symptoms or other conditions persist, discontinue use and contact a physician.

Disturbance of medical devices

The headset and controller(s) contain magnets and components that emit radio waves that may affect nearby electronic devices, including pacemakers, hearing aids, and defibrillators. If you have a pacemaker or other implanted medical device, do not use the headset and controller until you have contacted your doctor or the manufacturer of your medical device. Maintain a safe distance between the headset and controller and your medical device. Discontinue use of the headset and controller(s) if you observe persistent interference with your medical device.

Does the use of virtual reality have side effects?

When first using virtual reality, some people report mild nausea, mild headaches or mild dizziness. These symptoms are also called motion sickness. They sometimes occur when the vestibular organ and the eyes report two different signals to the brain. For example, the balance system "says" "We are not moving - we are sitting" and the eyes report "We are riding a roller coaster and moving forward very fast." This conflict between the eyes and the organ of balance can cause "confusion" in the brain and lead to nausea, dizziness or headaches.
To minimize the risk of motion sickness, we at living brain take care in each of our applications not to create conflicting signals between the eyes and the vestibular organ.
More detailed information about side effects can be found here in the Health and Safety Warnings of the VR headset manufacturer.

Questions about the product

How can I order the product?

To orderteora® mind , lease contact us using our contact form.

Can I also use teora® mind as a private person?

Unfortunately, teora® mind cannot yet be purchased by private individuals for exclusive use in the domestic environment. However, you can still contact us to learn more.

What spatial requirements does the product need?

All exercises can be performed while sitting. Therefore, you need at least one seat and about 1.50m of free space in each direction so that the arms can be stretched out. You can also move around in the application by walking if you wish. In this case, you need a free area of 2×2 meters.

What technical conditions must be in place?

At least one arm and one hand must be movable for use.
In the current exercises, this includes the ability to voluntarily flex and extend the index and middle or ring fingers. The rotation of the head by about 60° to the right and left is necessary. Use with a visual aid is possible without problems; however, vision and perception ability in both eyes is elementary. In addition, an intact understanding of language as well as reading ability is required.

What technical conditions must be in place?

You do not need any additional technical equipment. Only a stable and password-protected W-LAN network is necessary.

Where can I find the instructions for use?

You can obtain the instructions for the use of teora® mind here on our eIFU page.

Can I test the product in advance?

You are welcome to test our product in advance. Please contact us via the contact formif you are interested.

Is the product a certified medical device?

teora® mind is a CE-certified class 2a medical device. The certification complies with the Medical Device Regulation (MDR) and is valid throughout Europe. The intended use is for training in cognitive impairment.

What is teora® mind used for?

teora® mind is used for people who are significantly restricted in their independence, self-determination or everyday competence due to cognitive deficits. These cognitive impairments are associated with diseases that affect the nervous system. These could be strokes, Parkinson's disease, mild cognitive impairment or traumatic brain injury, for example.

When should I not use teora® mind? (Contraindications)

The product is contraindicated for people who have a history of epileptic seizures due to visual stimuli, patients who have acute migraine and patients who have problems with balance.

During the first applications, so-called motion sickness (dizziness, headache, nausea) may occur. In this case, the application should be interrupted and resumed as desired after the symptoms have subsided. If the symptoms do not subside, please contact your doctor.

Please be sure to observe the Health and Safety warnings of the VR-goggles!

I have discovered a bug in the software. What can I do now?

We pay great attention to the quality of our products. Should you nevertheless find an error, please report it to us using the contact form (request: error message). We will take care of a solution as soon as possible! If you are unable to use the application due to this error, please let us know that as well. We will contact you immediately to solve the problem.


For any further questions please contact us via mail at or use the contact form.
