In the following you will find more information & pictures about living brain GmbH

Press releases

Study: Novel VR therapy from the start-up living brain achieves better results than standard therapy for treating stroke patients

Pressemitteilung Klinische Studie_SU

In a clinical study, the innovative virtual reality training teora® mind for the treatment of cognitive deficits was compared with the usual standard treatment. After 4-6 weeks of therapy, the VR group showed significant improvements in the areas of planning and problem solving.

Press Kit Seed Round

living brain wins venture capitalists and closes 7-digit financing round.

Press Kit Seed Round 2022

Coming soon

Watch this space for updates


Onepager – Company Profile & History

Link to the company profile & history

Onepager – Founders

Link to the Founders‘ profile



Logo living brain blue

Logo living brain white

Logo teora® mind

Link to the blue logo

Link to the white logo

Link to the teora® mind logo

teora® mind: Application pictures


User Experience Study

User Experience Study

RCT Study

RCT Study
